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Headline : Africa: Africa Steps Up the Fight as Non-Communicable Diseases Rise Sharply

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Non-communicable diseases, or NCDs, are a leading cause of death globally, with a disproportionate impact on low- and middle-income countries. NCDs are long-term conditions that are not transmitted from person to person. They can develop slowly over time or cause sudden death. According to WHO, the five main types are cardiovascular diseases (heart attacks and strokes), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (like asthma), diabetes, and mental health conditions.

Africa faces a unique challenge - a "double burden" of both infectious diseases and a rapid rise in NCDs. This strains healthcare systems already under pressure on the continent, making it difficult to allocate scarce resources effectively.

Emmanuel Kisembo, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes while at university, shared his lived experience at theย World Health Organization African Region's (WHO AFRO) groundbreaking conference in Dar es Salaam, focusing on implementing the PEN-Plus strategy, a program designed to equip district hospitals with the resources to effectively manage serious conditions like heart disease and diabetes.

"We're here today," said Kisembo, "to share ... the day-to-day realities of those grappling with NCDs, not just ourselves but also those in remote areas who may not have a voice." He shared the harsh realities faced by many. "It has been shared previously here that a person diagnosed with diabetes, children diagnosed with diabetes, many don't make it their first year, they don't celebrate their birthday and that's the reality of most of them," he said.

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