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Headline : Nigeria: Music Is the Core of My Creativity - Onche

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Sam Onche George Jnr is a US-based digital artist and painter. In this interview with Daily Trust on Sunday, he shares his journey from a childhood immersed in music, fashion and culture to his artistic development in the U.S.

Can you tell us more about your childhood in Nigeria and how it influenced your passion for art?

My name is Sam Onche George Jnr, I was born in Nigeria (Makurdi, Benue State). My siblings, family and friends in my neighbourhood call me Jnr because I'm the last of six siblings and I was named after my grandfather. I don't come from a family of artists but grew up surrounded by the arts which mostly came from music, fashion, cartoons, the Nigerian culture and movies. Drawing and colouring activities were more of a bonding experience for me and my siblings, as well as my friends. It would also kind of get competitive at times but it was always fun and cool. Throughout my childhood years in Nigeria, I was like a sponge absorbing the things around me and making it my own. Inspiration and influence for me at a young age came from watching my cousin's love of fashion and styling, to my brother's love for rap music, to the rich Nigerian culture and my love for comics, movies and world building.

How did your transition to the U.S. and your experiences with basketball shape your artistic journey?

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