
Headline : World TB Day 2024

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In 2023, USAID launched the Global Accelerator to End TB Plus initiative. One of the programโ€™s ambitious goals is to reach and deliver prevention and care services to 90 percent of people with TB.

March 24th is World Tuberculosis Day. The observance is an opportunity to draw attention to one of the worldโ€™s oldest and deadliest diseases. This yearโ€™s theme is โ€œYes! We can end TB!โ€ It is the same theme as last yearโ€™s, to emphasize a message of hope to those who continue to suffer with the disease.

The date commemorates Dr. Robert Koch's 1882 discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes the disease. Dr. Kochโ€™s breakthrough opened the way towards diagnosing and curing TB: the first steps in a decades-long journey which culminated in the discovery and eventual mass production of antibiotics.

Tuberculosis, or TB, has plagued humans for thousands of years. The bacterium that causes it is believed to have evolved along with people, and it is still evolving.

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