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Headline : Check out this YouTube channel for deciding if you can afford that new car you want

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When it comes to buying a new car, agreeing on a price youโ€™re happy with is really only the first step. Even after you learn what your monthly payment will be, youโ€™ll have more expenses to consider, like insurance, gasoline, and maintenance. Odds are, you could run the numbers yourself and come up with a pretty good estimate of what it will really cost to own that new car youโ€™ve had your eye on. Or, you could just let this YouTube channel we found do most of the work for you.

Maie Havenโ€™s channel is still pretty small, but itโ€™s essentially entirely dedicated to calculating an estimated cost to own for any given vehicle. For example, letโ€™s take the Chevrolet Tahoe Z71. The basic 5.3-liter V8 version has an MSRP of $68,295. Add in the $1,995 destination charge and about $5,600 in sales tax, and youโ€™re probably looking at a total of about $76,000 just to get the keys to a Tahoe Z71.

A 10 percent downpayment would be about $7,600, and if you figure youโ€™ll pay about 8.0 percent interest over 72 months, youโ€™re looking at a monthly payment of $1,200 or so. Over six years, that interest will add up to about $18,000. Then, if you add in about $175 a month for insurance, between $250 and $275 a month for gas and a $75-ish monthly maintenance budget to make sure youโ€™re prepared for when something breaks, that brings your monthly cost to own up to a little more than $1,700.

If you figure that 15 percent of your yearly income is a responsible amount to spend on transportation every month, that would mean youโ€™d need to make more than $137,000 annually to afford that Z71 youโ€™ve been looking at. Over the course of the 72 month loan, though, youโ€™d end up paying more than $131,000 for the privilege of driving that $68,000 Tahoe.

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Related Headlines : Check out this YouTube channel for deciding if you can afford that new car you want (in

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