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Headline : Washing your produce, Google Maps tricks, and a good TSA dogs goodbye: Lifestyle news roundup

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A recent analysis from advocacy organization Consumer Reports is the latest to highlight the potential threat of pesticides in our produce. It suggests that around 20% of commonly sold fruits and vegetables in the U.S. could contain unsafe levels of pesticides. Given that concerning news, you might be wondering how to lessen your risk of exposure. Rinsing produce under the tap is a common practice, but does it actually remove significant amounts of pesticide residue? Hereโ€™s what the research suggests.

A retired Pennsylvania school teacher got an opportunity to move to the Philippines to teach English. After failing to offload his old pickup truck online, in an effort to sell everything off before moving, Will Cramer decided to throw a For Sale sign in the window to let passersby know it was on the market. One day his 1987 Chevrolet had a ticket under the wiper stating heโ€™d run afoul of a local ordinance forbidding โ€œparking a vehicle in public for the purposes of selling it.โ€

Urban exploration is one of the coolest hobbies out there. It gives folks a new perspective on the cities where they live, and uncovers secrets long buried. But what do you do when you run out of urban environments to explore? When your city holds no more secrets to reveal? Well, you sneak onto an abandoned Soviet aircraft carrier kept under guard in China. Obviously.

I have always used Google Maps but never cared enough to look beyond the basic features. It wasnโ€™t until today that I made an effort to explore the app and ended up going down a rabbit hole of all the cool things itโ€™s capable of. You might already know some of these, but you might have missed a handful of interesting hidden features.

Read more from the original article on here at

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