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Headline : AuditBoard upgrades its risk management platform with built-in LLM descriptions

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Nobody really likes being audited, but itโ€™s an important function to ensure the practices and policies of a company and/or individual are above board. And, as with all jobs, someoneโ€™s gotta do it.

Auditors typically spend their time examining a businessโ€™s risks and how they are controlling them โ€” also known as risks and controls. But writing up all the risks and controls into a standard risk-control matrix or risk assessment matrix can take a lot of time, even though they often are similar across different departments and companies, making for a tedious, repetitive task โ€” the kind that would seem perfect for an AI solution.

Thatโ€™s exactly the thinking of AuditBoard, a 10-year-old cloud software company that makes a web-based platform specifically for auditors. This week, the company officially launched its advanced artificial intelligence functions known as AuditBoard AI, aimed at drastically improving the efficiency of audit and risk management teams.

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