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Headline : Types of Pesticides Used in Agriculture: A Beginner’s Guide

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Pesticides are essential tools used to protect crops from various pests and diseases. These substances help farmers control insects, weeds, fungi, rodents, bacteria, nematodes, mites, mollusks, viruses, algae, predators of pests, and larvae of insects that damage plants’ leaves or stems. Pesticides protect crops from pests and diseases, thereby ensuring higher yields and food security.

Insecticides are a crucial tool in agriculture, helping farmers combat pesky insects that can destroy crops. These pesticides specifically target insects, disrupting their life cycles and preventing infestations. Farmers use insecticides to protect their plants from damage caused by pests like beetles, caterpillars, and aphids.

There are different types of insecticides available, each designed to target specific groups of insects. Some insecticides work on contact, while others are systemic and get absorbed by the plant to kill insects feeding on them. While insecticides play a vital role in crop protection, farmers must use them responsibly. Overusing or misuse of insecticides can lead to environmental contamination and harm beneficial insects like pollinators.

Herbicides play a crucial role in controlling weeds that can compete with crops for sunlight, nutrients, and water. These substances are designed to target and eliminate unwanted plants without harming the desired crops. Herbicides come in various forms, such as pre-emergent or post-emergent, selective or non-selective, and contact or systemic. Selecting the right type of herbicide based on factors like the weed species type present and the stage of their growth.

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