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Headline : Feeling Exhausted? Discover How Non-Sleep Deep Rest Can Revitalize Your Energy - CNET

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Napping isn't the only way to get over an afternoon slump. Here's how NSDR can help you feel more energized.

Life can be stressful, especially with the seemingly endless demands placed upon us. Over time, this can wear you down, creating stress and making you so tired you can't think clearly; this is why it's vital to carve some downtime for yourself, even if it's only for a few minutes. When you devote a few minutes to non-sleep rest, you're taking a small step that can pay big dividends in your health, energy and mood.ย 

With that in mind, what is non-sleep deep rest? As its name implies. It's a collection of activities dedicated to helping your mind and body relax without falling asleep. Practicing non-sleep deep rest regularly gives your body the time to recover.ย 

Neuroscientist and host of Huberman Labs, Andrew Huberman, developed NSDR in 2022. He's dedicated part of his work to include ways for people to optimize their sleep. His research has led him to discover behaviors people can adopt that can help them relax while staying awake and receiving benefits similar to falling asleep.ย 

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Related Headlines : Feeling Exhausted? Discover How Non-Sleep Deep Rest Can Revitalize Your Energy - CNET (in

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