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Headline : AI Chatbots Need Large Language Models. Heres What to Know About LLMs - CNET

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Chatbots may sound human, but they don't think the way we do.

When you ask an AI chatbot like ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot or Geminiย to do something, it may seem like you're interacting with a person.

But you're not. These chatbots don't actually understand the meaning of words the way we do. Instead, they're the interface we use to interact with large language models, or LLMs. This underlying technology is trained to recognize how words are used and which words frequently appear together, so it can predict future words, sentences or paragraphs.

Generative AI tools are constantly refining their understanding of words to make better predictions. Some, including Google's Lumiere and OpenAI's Sora, are even learning to generate images, video and audio.

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Related Headlines : AI Chatbots Need Large Language Models. Heres What to Know About LLMs - CNET (in

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