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Headline : Landus Launches Farmer-Owned Technology Platform

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Leading agriculture solutions company Landus has introduced Conduit, a first of its kind company that combines the best elements of a farmer-owned cooperative and a technology company. The Conduit platform will change the way farmers do business by initially offering low cost and user-friendly online financing, ultimately offering tools that support all aspects of agricultural commerce, insurance, and sustainability.

โ€œCooperatives have been offering the same dependable support to farmers for the past 100 years and Landus will continue to honor that tradition. But the next 100 years will look a lot different, and the farmer of tomorrow will need a different set of tools to succeed,โ€ says Landus President and CEO Matt Carstens, โ€œWith Conduit, we are focusing on the needs of the farmer of tomorrow using cutting-edge technology to serve them. Conduit offers farmers more accessibility and more options so farmers can operate more efficiently and make more informed decisions.โ€

While Landus and its farmer-owners will be the majority investors, Conduit investors will also include individual farmers, Landus and Conduit employees, and mission-aligned partners. By including farmers as investors and shareholders, Conduit will draw upon the experience and knowledge of committed farmers throughout the technology development process, ensuring that the farmer remains at the center as Conduit makes products and services more accessible than ever to all farmers across the Midwest and around the world.

โ€œLandus is rooted in strong relationships with our farmer-owners and our partners. We keep the farmer at the center of everything we do, and we are committed to continue finding innovative ways to serve them,โ€ said Carstens, โ€œOur supply chain and logistics network is ready to reach farmers across the Midwest and we have found the right technical expert to create an integrated interface designed specifically to address farmerโ€™s needs.โ€

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