Headline : My mother-in-law is so possessive about our unborn baby | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

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Set boundaries about contact you’ll have with your in-laws – and don’t put your husband in the position of defending his family

I’m pregnant with my first child. My husband and I waited a long time to tell my in-laws because we knew all hell would break loose once they knew.

As soon as we told my mother-in-law, she screamed and started throwing herself around the room in dramatic fashion. It became all about her. My in-laws then spent all evening pushing me for information I wasn’t willing to give. It was so horrible – I burst into tears when I got home. We asked them not to get anything yet and my sister-in-law insisted she was going to immediately start buying lots of stuff for the baby.

On another occasion, I sat on a wobbly chair and my mother-in-law grabbed me and said: “Don’t get into any accidents – you’ve got to look after my baby.” Incredulous, I asked: “Whose baby?”, to which she replied very firmly: “Mine.”

Read more from the original article on here at www.theguardian.com.

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