
Headline : Bug Zappers Are Swarming on Amazon

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Data from Fakespot, a service owned by Mozilla that helps consumers spot fake reviews and scams on shopping sites, shows a bizarre rise in the number of listings for bug zappers on Amazon over the past three years. At the same time, Fakespot has logged an increase in the number of negative or unreliable reviews for this product category.

Saoud Khalifah, founder and director of Fakespot at Mozilla, says bug zappers are just one example of the convergence of recent trends in ecommerce: a growing number of listings from third-party sellers on, more merchants seeking to sell low-cost products with high margins, and generative AI tools making it easier for sellers to churn out questionable marketing copy and reviews.

โ€œRight now everyone has a different kind of determination of what โ€˜fakeโ€™ means,โ€ Khalifah says. โ€œIn the book category, for example, you might see an author ask their friends and family to leave reviews and some people might see that as disingenuous. But when you look at this particular category, bug zappers, this is game-over territory. Itโ€™s one of the favorite products of fraudulent seller farms.โ€

Khalifah says bug zappers are one of a few categories of hardware products that Fakespot has examined recently on Amazon because it saw a rise both in product listings and unreliable reviews. The bug zapper listings it examined arenโ€™t necessarily flat-out scamsโ€”buyers still receive an actual bug zapperโ€”but Fakespotโ€™s analysis says that negative reviews indicate some of the products donโ€™t appear to work as advertised.

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